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News from our partners

Date: Monday, 24th Jun 2024 | Category: General

PSHE Digest, filled with a round-up of national and local information, research and resources including:

  • Complete this short survey to help us hear your voice when planning our next priorities
  • We have a limited number of places available for partners to have a marketplace table as part of the conference. If you would be interested in having a table please let either Natalie or Ellie know. Please note, in the first instance, that tables are specifically for commissioned providers who either deliver PSHE directly or are a local signposting organisation. We also have a limited number of tickets available for partners/external providers to attend the inaugural Pan-Staffordshire PSHE Education Conference with subject specialist guest speakers, best practice workshops and table top activities and can be booked here.
  • Engage with the consultation process for the draft RSHE guidance. Remember no changes should be made now and education settings should still be following the current guidance.



Staffordshire Council of Voluntary Youth Services (SCVYS) are delighted to share their annual report for 2023/2024.

SCVYS annual report this year bring a fresh innovative look at what the service has achieved over the last year along with successes shared and a glimpse at whats to come. Read the full report here



Child Death Overview Panel






















To book click here

National Network of Designated Healthcare
























The Voice Project

This months edition of The Voice Project Sway newsletter includes news about upcoming forums, Mental Health awareness week at The Voice Project, Opportunities for care experienced young people, hot topics, plus much more.

Read the full report here



The UK Safer Internet Centre has developed an online safety resource alongside the Childnet Youth Advisory Board. The interactive resource “Reliability Online” helps to teach children about what they can trust when they are online and covers risks such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated imagery, scams, and body image. It is aimed at young people aged 13 to 16-years-old, but can be adapted for use with older or younger learners.

Find out more here